On the Borderline - Life With BPD: Rae and the Super Awesome Trip, Day 3.5

Rae and the Super Awesome Trip, Day 3.5

Late update is late. (It's technically Day 4 I guess?) Just two more days, hopefully... I'm starting to think she'll be gone longer, but a girl can hope, right?

I don't know how much longer I can stay awake. I'm having those weird moments where I'm half delusional, which admittedly happens a lot when I'm awake too. I had 45 rough panels to do, which I finished. 3 thumbnail passes at all 5 pages, I did mooost of them. And now I'm on the last panel of page 2 for the final pencils. (It's actually page 1. I already did page 5 though.) Basically, the theme was no dialog, pantomime only, excitement and disappointment/sorrow or vice versa. So this couple, super in love and happy, get engaged. They throw a mini engagement celebration with their mutual childhood friend and get drunk. boy and friend wake up in bed, naked, and freak out. Fiancee girl snaps and murders them both. My professor said it was okay, so there.

The last of the creative writing stories were presented today. Two of them were from personal experiences- a girl having to choose between her boyfriend and a girl, and another one about a girl with Seasonal Affective Disorder (I think?) talking with doctors about her condition and medication and stuff. The latter hit too close to home, it was pretty uncomfortable.

Umm. Nothing new otherwise... I just wish Rae was here...... I hope she comes back before Friday (second therapy and psyche appointment, hopefully I can get some adderal!).

Three good things:

1. Rae comes back in 2 days! Hopefully...

2. Still kind of going strong on the comic homework!

3. My drawing professor said I'm pretty on-track and he likes my midterm project (due Wednesday, haha... ha...) and the sketchbook is looking good. I'm only halfway behind now.

Rae, I love you and I wish you'd said goodnight before you passed out but it's okay. <3

Sweet dreams my darling,


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