Scroll down for happier news! Yes.
Well, besides the nausea and the whole being awake at 4am thing, it wasn't really a bad day eventwise. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to, but seeing as we get Fridays off schoolwise, I still have tomorrow (today?) and Sunday (tomorrow?). And I DO have a shitload of homework- first weekend back from class and I have: 13 stories for a quiz, 3 masterpieces to choose, 9 drawing to start on, and I have to tighten up a short story I wrote today (the only thing I really got done). That's all due Monday. Oh yes, and an essay that I already did last quarter and- ha- completely DELETED ffff.
But the fun doesn't stop yet! 66 thumbnails, 22 pages of rough comic, and 20 pages of reference research work due Tuesday. On Wednesday I get to choke down my fear of speaking in front of 30 strangers and read my short story out loud, not to mention the reading assignments I'll likely have to get done by then as well as other homework that will be assigned Monday and Tuesday.
And yes okay I know this sounds like I am complaining. But I will be perfectly honest- I am happy with this workload. Yeah, it's more than I'm prepared for and I had a bad day at exactly the wrong time, but you know what?
I have to read, write, and draw for homework. This is what I do in my spare time. It still boggles my mind- I have to do what I love? I don't have math or science or biology or anything else to do? Honestly, life is good. I'm not whining about it so much as stressing how stressed out I am.
Which reminds me- this book is actually pretty good about getting you to do your art. It basically talks about your biggest enemy- yourself- and how to overcome said enemy and produce work and be happy. If you get the chance, it's cheap used and go buy it now. Good times.
There are other things going on in my life right now, though. Moneywise, it seems to be all gone already- I made a little more than $500 in two weeks, which is more than I've made in a month since I returned from living abroad in Japan. I'm not sure where it went, probably school supplies and- ha- more school supplies. I won't lie, I already had a lot of the supplies I needed thanks to this being my third quarter; accumulating massive amounts of pencils, pens, watercolors, paints, inks, et cetera seriously helps out your wallet over time. Buuuut I'm pretty much broke now and I still need more stuff soon, such as many sheets of $5 paper (that's per sheet, in case you didn't catch that). And such. Not to mention the Adderall (about $23), Lamictal was $4-something, and I'm missing lots more goodies non-school-related that I refuse to ask my parents for help for. (They have enough to worry about.) Getting a job is out of the question right now, soooo I'll just have to squeeze by and stop spending money on anything else until next month. (My 22nd birthday! Hoorah! I just want money as a present. Yeah.)
Rae is going through FAR more stress than I am, and I'm hoping I can balance schoolwork and being there for her. I won't go into details, since it's on her what she wants to be let known, but if she's reading this, I hope she realizes I love her more than anything and while I tend to put school first I WILL make time.
Good News:
Sooo Rae and I are getting a dog! Well, technically she's getting a dog. But it's mine too since I'll be helping her train him, take care of him, buy his stuff, and so on. And also cos we don't really have personal property at this point, so much as 'our stuff.'
Rae's landlords rescue dogs; they have about... twenty-two or twenty-three now. And oh my goodness he's a beautiful dog- definitely has beagle in him and probably some bloodtick coonhound as well. He's a year old, abandoned by the side of a 4-lane highway as a pup. Despite being entirely untrained, after a few days (literally, not even a week now I think) of nonstop working with him, he now listens to Rae really well, sits on command, shakes (well, every time he sits he puts his paw up because he knows it's a 'good thing,' still have to get him to connect the action with the command), and will come when Rae calls him. He sits for me, doesn't jump up much anymore (the first day I met him, I came home with bruises, swollen bites from him trying to get a ball from me, and many, many scratches), shakes, and is generally much calmer.
The best part is that Rae and her landlord have been training him to walk on a lead. He'd been on one walk before in his entire life, and we started the training yesterday (Thursday). I missed most of it today, they went to the park while I was freaking out in therapy, but now he's doing super well. I'm impressed, the landlord is impressed, and most importantly, Rae is happy.
That should be all. We're going over there tomorrow morning again (well, in about 6 hours) so I hope I get some work done once the sun comes up...
Well, besides the nausea and the whole being awake at 4am thing, it wasn't really a bad day eventwise. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to, but seeing as we get Fridays off schoolwise, I still have tomorrow (today?) and Sunday (tomorrow?). And I DO have a shitload of homework- first weekend back from class and I have: 13 stories for a quiz, 3 masterpieces to choose, 9 drawing to start on, and I have to tighten up a short story I wrote today (the only thing I really got done). That's all due Monday. Oh yes, and an essay that I already did last quarter and- ha- completely DELETED ffff.
But the fun doesn't stop yet! 66 thumbnails, 22 pages of rough comic, and 20 pages of reference research work due Tuesday. On Wednesday I get to choke down my fear of speaking in front of 30 strangers and read my short story out loud, not to mention the reading assignments I'll likely have to get done by then as well as other homework that will be assigned Monday and Tuesday.
And yes okay I know this sounds like I am complaining. But I will be perfectly honest- I am happy with this workload. Yeah, it's more than I'm prepared for and I had a bad day at exactly the wrong time, but you know what?
I have to read, write, and draw for homework. This is what I do in my spare time. It still boggles my mind- I have to do what I love? I don't have math or science or biology or anything else to do? Honestly, life is good. I'm not whining about it so much as stressing how stressed out I am.
Which reminds me- this book is actually pretty good about getting you to do your art. It basically talks about your biggest enemy- yourself- and how to overcome said enemy and produce work and be happy. If you get the chance, it's cheap used and go buy it now. Good times.
There are other things going on in my life right now, though. Moneywise, it seems to be all gone already- I made a little more than $500 in two weeks, which is more than I've made in a month since I returned from living abroad in Japan. I'm not sure where it went, probably school supplies and- ha- more school supplies. I won't lie, I already had a lot of the supplies I needed thanks to this being my third quarter; accumulating massive amounts of pencils, pens, watercolors, paints, inks, et cetera seriously helps out your wallet over time. Buuuut I'm pretty much broke now and I still need more stuff soon, such as many sheets of $5 paper (that's per sheet, in case you didn't catch that). And such. Not to mention the Adderall (about $23), Lamictal was $4-something, and I'm missing lots more goodies non-school-related that I refuse to ask my parents for help for. (They have enough to worry about.) Getting a job is out of the question right now, soooo I'll just have to squeeze by and stop spending money on anything else until next month. (My 22nd birthday! Hoorah! I just want money as a present. Yeah.)
Rae is going through FAR more stress than I am, and I'm hoping I can balance schoolwork and being there for her. I won't go into details, since it's on her what she wants to be let known, but if she's reading this, I hope she realizes I love her more than anything and while I tend to put school first I WILL make time.
Good News:
Sooo Rae and I are getting a dog! Well, technically she's getting a dog. But it's mine too since I'll be helping her train him, take care of him, buy his stuff, and so on. And also cos we don't really have personal property at this point, so much as 'our stuff.'
Rae's landlords rescue dogs; they have about... twenty-two or twenty-three now. And oh my goodness he's a beautiful dog- definitely has beagle in him and probably some bloodtick coonhound as well. He's a year old, abandoned by the side of a 4-lane highway as a pup. Despite being entirely untrained, after a few days (literally, not even a week now I think) of nonstop working with him, he now listens to Rae really well, sits on command, shakes (well, every time he sits he puts his paw up because he knows it's a 'good thing,' still have to get him to connect the action with the command), and will come when Rae calls him. He sits for me, doesn't jump up much anymore (the first day I met him, I came home with bruises, swollen bites from him trying to get a ball from me, and many, many scratches), shakes, and is generally much calmer.
The best part is that Rae and her landlord have been training him to walk on a lead. He'd been on one walk before in his entire life, and we started the training yesterday (Thursday). I missed most of it today, they went to the park while I was freaking out in therapy, but now he's doing super well. I'm impressed, the landlord is impressed, and most importantly, Rae is happy.
That should be all. We're going over there tomorrow morning again (well, in about 6 hours) so I hope I get some work done once the sun comes up...
January 10, 2011 at 11:11 AM
Haha, you mean, "bluetick," baby.
January 11, 2011 at 10:12 AM
XD; That's what I meeeeant.