On the Borderline - Life With BPD: Therapy Report 2

Therapy Report 2

Although Dr. W doesn't seem to know much about DBT, I asked her if she'd refer me and she agreed to. There is a place about 45 minutes away that offers it. Far, yes, but not too expensive.

I've agreed, also, to stay with Dr. Q temporarily. On a trial basis, as it were. I am changing medicines and ending the Abilify. I am hoping for Lamictal, a mood stabilizer that seems to have the shortest list of side effects. (They aren't very serious, either.) Compared to Risperdal and Geodon, this seems more effective for mood stabilizing. Seeing as it is a mood stabilizer and not another anti-psychotic.

Oh shit Dr. Q is TODAY... ugh. Better take a clonazopam. Crazy fucking shrink.

....Excuse my French.


2 Response to "Therapy Report 2"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I spent about a year in DBT, maybe a bit less. If you really really really take it seriously, it can be a huge help. The only real trick is learning to live without all the stage-1 tricks of moving your mind away from undesirable thoughts/moods.

  2. Eden Says:

    I'd really love to be in DBT. I haven't found any in my area now that I've moved, and I can't really afford it right now, but the first chance I get I really want to try it out. :3

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