On the Borderline - Life With BPD: Letter To My Sister

Letter To My Sister

Dear ****,

I keep having a ton of dreams where we fight. Like, really, really go at it. After about two solid weeks of this I need to email you.

I really miss you and I am so, so proud of all the work you've been doing! We saw your portfolio and Mami sometimes shows me photos you text her (can you text them to me too?) and they look amazing!

To be honest, I'm scared about a lot of things lately. It turns out my disorder makes me seem like a bad person. And it gets much, much worse before it gets better. Most people never 'recover.' It causes a lot of problems.

Please read this over when you get the chance: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/16/health/16brod.html?_r=2&em

I'd send you a book but you're waaay too busy to read it.

BPD means I'm emotionally unstable all the time. I'm dependent on people. I have no sense of self (when I'm alone I don't exist). I start fights because I don't want you to abandon me, so I'd rather shove you away before you can do it to me. I think I did a damn good job, wouldn't you agree? We hardly ever talk at all and I know it's more than half my fault.

I try to text you more often but it's too late- you're too busy with school and I'm not as important anymore. You call mami and daddy and they never tell me, so I never get to talk to you on the phone. I miss you so much...

I'm getting a lot of therapy. I'm becoming someone you would really like. I wish I'd gotten it earlier so this wouldn't have happened.

I love you.


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