On the Borderline - Life With BPD: IM 2: Rub A Dub Dub.

IM 2: Rub A Dub Dub.

Inner Monologue # 2.

Condensed for attention span and length. And sadly almost verbatim.

[Setting: Cleaning the bathtub.]
[Me (E) and my inner!Laia (I), who Sucks At the Therapees]

E: La dee dah, cleaning the tub~

I: …Why?

E: What?

I: Why are you cleaning the tub? Make roommates do it.

E: Why am I talking to myself inside my own head?

I: Make the roommates do it.

E: Well, no. V's usually pretty clean and N claims she does it but it's still gross.

I: There's dead skin in there. And dirt.

E: I'm wearing gloves and this Windex kills germs. It smells like oranges!

I: …You inhaled too much of it and now you're going to get cancer.

E: I smoke. Windex won't kill me. Can't breathe though.

I: Told you.

E: Shut up. I'm opening the door.

I: You forgot to call the bank about the missing money.

E: I can see it now. "Why are you calling us at 2am?" Well sir, I'm a college student and I'm awake at two in the morning, scrubbing the bathtub, so why not? ...Ugh, this stuff is stronger than I thought. Bathroom fan isn't very good is it.

I: Cancer.

E: At least it'll be citrus scented cancer.

I: Reeeally.

E: Yes, really. I don't remember my inner!Laia being such a condescending bitch.

I: I'm not her. And you should stop having your little OCD moment, you have homework to do.

E: Shut up. You're a horrible inner voice.

I: FIne.


I: You missed a spot. And you picked up the gross old sponge by accident.

E: Shit! Okay, that's fine. I have Windex.

I: Cancer.

[Sulking silence]

I: Don't think about the number four.

E: Fuck you! You suck at this!

I: I thought you liked me.

E: I like Laia. At least she's real. And she's good at this.


E: …hello? Helloooo? Voice in my head?


E: Oh. Guess you're gone then.

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